Remedies, LLC
525 Doctors Court
Oshkosh, WI 54901
Homeopathy is a system of medicine with principles older than Hippocrates (who lived in Ancient Greece around Socrates’ time). It seeks to cure in accordance with natural laws of healing and uses “medicines” made from natural substances: animal, vegetable, mineral and nosodes.
Hahnemann gave up his practice of medicine and turned to medical translating as a livelihood. But he persisted in his lifelong goal to discover “if God had not indeed given some law, whereby the diseases of mankind would be cured.” His sense of frustration increased when one of his children became critically ill and he could do nothing for her. It was while translating lectures on the Materia Medica by William Cullen, Scottish professor of medicine, that Hahnemann stumbled upon the key to curing sick people. In this work Cullen claimed that cinchona bark, or quinine, cured intermittent fever (malaria) because of its astringent and bitter qualities.
by B. Panos M.D. and J. Heimlich, 1980